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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Nov. 20, 2020

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

It is Tuesday. As I opened the school today, I noticed the beginnings of the next architecture project on one of the cabinets. It stopped me in my tracks, thinking, “How do these teachers keep this going, day after day, making school so fun?” I also thought about it as I surveyed student folders, portfolios, and thousands of pictures/videos of students across all cohorts and levels, for the upcoming Go Fund Me launch. Spectrum-at-Home in Middle School even has personal learning topics from Napoleon to geography, from origin stories to futuristic urban planning, from cellular biological processes to Elizabethan social change. It is astounding. 

It is Wednesday. Today I witnessed extraordinary kindnesses between kindergartners and preschoolers on the playground. Masked but not distanced quite six feet, I admit, as they shared toys and helped each other clean up. 

Now Thursday. Feeling such excitement as we gear up for our Go Fund Me campaign. The team pages and student folders with numerous images capture the story of learning, connection, and engagement. 

Friday…selfishly really looking forward to five days off next week. Feeling the love and energy of teachers and staff greeting children this morning. May I never take this sweet little school for granted. 

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat


Spectrum School  

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