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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Nov. 22, 2019

Spectrum Families and Friends,

Since next week is a short holiday week, there will not be a weekly newsletter next Friday. Let me take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for this community, from whom I am learning so much every day about listening, understanding, and picking oneself up after falling. I am thankful for an amazing staff, for the smiles and laughter of your children, for warm greetings and unexpected kindnesses.

I am thankful for a school board that does not expect perfection from itself or others, and is continuously working to move the school forward. I am thankful for people who do not give up on each other when walking away and blaming others is an easier path.

We are more than a private school. We are a family, with all its bumps and bruises, miracles and moments of belonging. I hope you find many moments, even hours, of enjoying your family over the next week. Be safe and be well.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

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