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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Oct. 1, 2021

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

Happy First Day of October..or…..Socktober, as Aly Vavra has designed. Among our friends and family, we use the first day of the month to be the first to say, “Happy White Rabbit Day!” for the sheer joy of causing chagrin to the one who didn’t remember first. 

Socks, rabbits, and Halloween are on my mind. Nobody does Halloween like Rockford. It has been a lesson to me these last few years, and as my granddaughters get older it is getting more and more fun. 

Reflect on the rituals and traditions that help your children feel part of something, those that help them feel safe and “in control,” and those that give your children something to anticipate with joy. 

Time flies. Childhood flies faster. 

Darn and don those crazy socks. 

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

Principal – Spectrum School  

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