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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Oct. 11, 2019

Spectrum Families and Friends,

As you can see from our classroom Facebook groups, there have been some uniquely wonderful learning activities this week. Our Angelic Organics Learning Center days on Tuesday and Wednesday integrated gardening, science, art, cooking, and design. We launched our microscope cameras and students captured amazing images. I was in progressive Principal heaven! 

There is some information posted in the Important News section of the newsletter about an important date change in December for our holiday program and the PTO-funded community meal. We will NOT have a program on December 19. On December 20, there will be a buffet style breakfast AND a midday program with early dismissal after the program. Please attend to this calendar change. 

We will have had visits from Rockford University by the time this newsletter is published. It is significant that Spectrum is getting recognition for positive and effective instructional strategies and child-centered school culture. A cohort of aspiring teachers is visiting classrooms and having a chance to hear about Spectrum and our progressive approaches. 

Please see the UPDATED 2019-20 Year at a Glance (located in the newsletter as well as on our school website under Student Life/Events & News) with most recent changes highlighted in green. Have a great weekend!

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

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