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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: October 14, 2022

Dear Spectrum Family and Friends,

I attended the Progressive Education Network (PEN) conference last week, and was inspired by visiting and hearing from other like-minded educators and schools. 

At the core of progressive education is the quality of learner experience, and the learner having voice and choice in that experience. My presentation at the conference added two elements to the conversation – how are we ensuring quality work, and how are we supporting mindfulness throughout the learning process? This comes from my own evolving professional work around learner autonomy and unhackable brains. 

It is an honor to represent Spectrum at the national level and to know what we are doing at our sweet little school is special. Buddies, Houses, All School Shares, outdoor learning, creativity, Plan-Do-Review and Processfolios – just to name a few of the efforts at Spectrum to foster creativity and student ownership of learning. 

Ask your child in what HOUSE color they belong. Houses will come up with their names next week. 

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat
Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford

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