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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Oct. 16, 2020

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

As things settle into new norms, we have to continue to be vigilant. I am proud of our teachers, our staff, our students, and of you. As a community we are making this work as best we can. I was reflecting during temperature taking time today that this is a practice that may be worth maintaining. Keeping sick kids home, handwashing, and regularly cleaning surfaces and shared objects are helping kids stay healthy at school. 

I hope you spend some time every week looking at the Levels posting on this newsletter. I read about school systems around the country and world who are struggling to keep any kind of authentic learning and healthy protocols going. I read about the challenges and failures of all virtual schooling. Even the best case stories do not come close to the wonderful work going on in our school. Please look at the pictures and see for yourself. We are SPECTRUM STRONG!


Dr. Mary Beth Cunat


Spectrum School  

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