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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Oct. 23, 2020

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

I had the opportunity yesterday to present via Zoom to Delta Kappa Gamma, an international society for women educators. The topic was about Progressive Education in general and what it looks like at Spectrum historically, more recently, and under COVID. That slide show is attached below for your viewing. Developing it made me proud, revising for you as an audience even prouder. 

As we work to strengthen our fiscal outlook and a sustainable future for our school, please know you are supporting a successful enterprise, unique in the educational landscape locally and worldwide. I spend significant amounts of time “keeping up” with what is going on in education around the country and world, and I guarantee you 100% there is NOTHING happening out there to the level and quality of what our students are getting every single day from our amazing staff.

Stay well.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat


Spectrum School  

Progressive Education at Spectrum School Slide Show

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