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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Oct. 3, 2019

Spectrum Families and Friends,

As we reflect on the first month of school, I hope you agree with me that it is simply remarkable what the teachers and students are accomplishing day in and day out. The projects and writing and work are reflected in the weekly Facebook groups, and every time I read them I feel gratitude and pride. Of note: the weekly newspaper published by the Middle School. You can see the students’ thinking, writing, and motivation improve before your very eyes. It is an impressive accomplishment! 

I am super excited about a newly published video about Spectrum. We will share it at Curriculum Night and it is also on our website. See it here at Thanks to Jake Bradt and his team for this great work.

There is joy in learning at Spectrum. There is a sense of fun and curiosity. There is an expectation of kindness and engagement. When there are bumps and challenges, we address them with honesty, compassion, and optimism. Thank you for your support and trust in the work we are doing.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

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