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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Oct. 19, 2018

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

First and foremost, a huge thank you to Sonia and all the parents, teachers, staff, and Board members who worked tirelessly to make the Fall Festival wonderful. It was a new kind of event with vendors and food trucks at an offsite venue, transporting games and baskets and activities. This community made it work, and Sonia’s big and amazing vision for bringing all this together came to fruition. On behalf of the students and teachers, thank you Sonia and thank you all who helped make it a success.

I am off to China on Saturday for a week. An opportunity came through Tracy Cannell (owner of The Barn) for me to participate in a Chinese government sponsored and all-expenses paid Principals’ Summit. As I have prepared the various materials for the conference, I have been impressed all over again about what an amazing and unique school is Spectrum. I am proud and humbled to represent our sweet little educational wonderland at this event.  I’ve attached one of the three presentations I will be sharing. ( Spectrum School PowerPoint Presentation )

Time is flying. There is so much happening. Please keep up on our newly launched website (same URL). Some new communications strategies and approaches are at play. Please bear with as we move to improve!

One more thing. I wanted to thank Judy Cummings and Jordan Trosper, who helped me get Compass going but who will no longer be working with us in that capacity. Judy will focus on literacy enrichment and support. Melissa Prete has generously stepped up to coordinate Compass with me. I surveyed the children to get their input, and I am pretty excited. I am proud about what we are offering in Compass and hope you will all review the information and consider what your child might enjoy in the coming months.

I wish you all well in the coming week.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

1 Comment:

  • Jeanie Lang

    Where do children go for High School
    What is the transition like

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