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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Oct. 26, 2018

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

I wanted to give you all a brief check-in during my trip in China. I have had the pleasure of visiting several award-winning schools which are well known for “innovation and achievement.” Representing Spectrum Progressive School, I was welcomed and recognized by Chinese principals and leaders as an example in this work. I was a presenter at the STEM Summit in Taizhou where I spoke about my experiences as an administrator and the love and dedication I have towards Spectrum. 

During this trip, I’ve also had the chance to meet, interact with, and network with members of the Georgia State Department of Education, Jackson Prep in Mississippi, principals from Beijing, Taizhou Number One High School, Taizhou foreign affairs, even World Champion Ping Pong coaches. Also, I connected with Nathaniel Wilson from Cape Town who is currently working as an educator and researcher in Shanghai. He wants to do a research project with Spectrum!

During this journey, I was extremely blessed to have Spectrum Alumni Leighton Barnes there with me. She was even invited to speak to the participants of the summit about her choice to take a gap year. She spoke of numerous opportunities she is having to enrich her own development and learn more about herself in preparation for college.

I have attached some pictures from my trip. As much as I’m enjoying this trip and this culture, I cannot wait to get back to good ole Rockford and Spectrum! See you guys soon!

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat



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