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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Sept. 18, 2020

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

We are just finishing our first full week, holding our breath as we look at what is happening in other schools and Winnebago County related to COVID19 cases and positivity rates. We will continue to offer full day every day in-person school unless we are mandated otherwise. 

Spectrum has gone above and beyond in managing the “COVID context”, but it is not without costs. What is the value of student and staff safety, in-person school every day, the extra work on teachers of offering Spectrum at Home to those that need it, wellness, and close attention to the quality experience of both learning and teaching? I have to look every community member in the eye and say we are doing everything we can to protect health. Is it enough? Is it costing too much? Our teachers have always given value beyond Beyond BEYOND what they are paid – and supporting them in every way I can at this time has been paramount to my leadership of the school – supporting them so they can bring their best to your children in this crazy, uncertain time. 

I hope you see the value in my approach. Please look for communication from the Board in the coming weeks for long term strategies for building financial stability for our school despite the typical challenges of running a high-quality private school at a reasonable tuition, and now the unprecedented economic demands of COVID. Yes, I know that word has been overused, but it is all I have right now. 

Have a great weekend. Take some time looking at the posts by the teachers and see for yourself the definition of amazing.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat


Spectrum School  

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