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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: September 30, 2022

Dear Spectrum Family and Friends,

Our Guess Jar for this month was a large glass bowl full of pennies. Two boxes of 2500 pennies were donated for the project by Alan Robinson, and the students were given the clue that there were at least two of these boxes worth of pennies in the bowl. 

During our first All School Share, students lifted a box of 2500 pennies for a given count of seconds. That was fun. 

There were many more pennies added to the bowl, and Education Committee lead Claire Rotolo helped clarify that the guesses were only guesses, as there was no way to reasonably estimate that many pennies. Especially since it was eyes only so the bowl wouldn’t get broken.

So here are the guesses lowest to highest (drum roll please):

Here’s a few great guesses from PreK: Jack & Luna = ALOT! Alaina = SO MANY!

We will take this data (averages, patterns, visual reasoning) and use it in all kinds of ways to see what the numbers tell us about our community! Thanks to all who participated in the guessing! 

We need at least 132 penny wrappers – that is a hint to the approximate number, but I lost count after that….

A BIG THANK YOU to anyone who wants to take home a bag full of pennies and wrappers to roll and bring the rolled and loose pennies back to school. Note: Nitrile (disposable) gloves will be included in the packet. 

Once we know the exact amount of pennies, there will be a prize for the closest guess in each homeroom. 

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat
Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford

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