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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: September 9, 2022

Dear Spectrum Family and Friends,

I confess. As a principal, I developed horrible FOMO – not for me, but for what I want for students in my school. It pushes me to stay up on education innovations and open every intriguing email from programs where kids are doing neat things. 

I have several FOMO related wishes on my to do lists. Most have to do with students being given opportunities to learn and practice with technology. Board member Alan Robinson orchestrated a visit for me at Rockford Makerspace and now I have 3D printing, laser cutting, carpentry, using a lathe, and CNC metalcraft, which makes EVERYTHING manufactured to make everything else, on my list. 

Our teachers often bear the brunt of my FOMO, adding and adding to their plates. I am committed to curbing this burden. 

We have students interested in Robotics, eSports (competitive video gaming) and coding. Are there any parents interested in these topics who would be available and willing to run a club or afterschool program? We will help you organize and make connections with resources and, as applicable, providers. (e.g. Rockford Robotics). 

Please contact me  [email protected] if you would like to help make these or other opportunities to share your passions available to our students. Thank you in advance.


Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford

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