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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Middle School Highlights! Sept. 27 – Oct. 1

Hi, Middle School Families!
Our year is off to a great start! We are working on story parts, writing original stories, filming and labeling stories, cellular biology, grammar (parts of speech and parts of a sentence), IVS math, foreign language, and waiting for our literature group book choices to come in. Your kids have also begun choosing topics and working on a personal project. We have PE every Monday and Friday afternoon right now, but soon we will be heading to RU to have access to a real gym and a teacher who has the area, equipment, and knowledge to teach us some new games. We are excited and busy!
Lindsay and I would like to take the students on at least one field trip per month, and we thought our October trip would be on Tuesday, October 19th. We would like to take them to the Rockton Cemetery, because there are many old gravestones (some dating back to the 1700s!) We thought we would have them do some creative writing in the style of the poems in Spoon River Anthology, based on the names, ages, years of life, etc., of the people named on those gravestones. Our plan is to leave school at 8:45am and return at 2:45pm. We would bring sack lunches and eat at the park shelter about 5 blocks from the cemetery. We also thought we would have them bring money and walk to the Dairy Haus after lunch to buy an ice cream treat.
We will need drivers, and our drivers are welcome to stay with us for the day, if they are able to do so. We will be sending a permission slip home soon, so you will get more information then, too.
Watch for information about the Haunted Trail and our class Halloween Party.
Thank you so much for all your help and support. We couldn’t do it without you!
Sanitizing Wipes
Staple Remover
Scotch Tape
Duct Tape
Thank you again!
Lindsay and Kathy

MAP Testing!

We had MAP testing Wednesday morning. Afterwards, we refreshed our brains with some games in the sunshine!

Plant Cells!

What an exCELLent way to model plant cells! With a bag of cytoplasm, Little Cleveland’s used other agents in the form of candy to model as Vacuoles! Mitochondria! Nucleus! and more! Please ask your student to tell you about these parts….and how they are like other systems….like factories, or schools!

Demi and Salem converse with Profe Liz in Spanish!

Let's have a fun October!

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