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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Little Clevelands’ Collection! Nov. 1 – Nov. 5

We are taking a field trip to LZ Peace Memorial on Thursday, 11/11/2021, in order to honor our veterans. Permission slips went home this week. As always, we really appreciate our drivers! Thank you in advance to those who can help us.

Pictures will be taken the day of our field trip, so your student may want to bring a change of clothes. We will be first in line to get our pictures taken, and we will be outside most of the rest of the day, so please dress for the weather.

What's the Diagnosis?!

Lindsay’s science lesson Tuesday was an exercise in diagnosis. The students were given a list of diseases, and then they visited “patients“ in Room Ten. They had to match the symptoms with the correct diagnosis. It was engaging, interesting, and fun! Future medical students?

All-School Share in Deale Hall!

Japanese with Keiko & Spanish with Liz and Mary Beth!

The Little Clevelands read through a play called Power Puppet while paying attention to nouns and their uses!

Enjoy your three-day weekend!

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