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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

21st Century Learning

What is 21st Century Learning?

Progressive approaches to education ARE 21st Century, abandoning the factory model from their inception. They focus on thinking, collaborating, problem-­solving, creativity, and the learner’s experiences of school, not a static curriculum based on a child’s age.

It’s a digital universe, and students must be able to manage both digital and in-person environments, opportunities, and challenges. The ways Spectrum fosters and grows students ready for the 21st Century world of work include:

Students setting learning goals and reflecting on progress. Feedback on quality product builds a child’s sense of ownership of learning, and why their learning matters. No grades, no standardized tests; rather work products and processes are assessed. Students are given feedback based on evidence of what they learned, how they learned, and how they worked with others.

Full participation in design processes, problem-­solving, field studies, project-­and-problem-­based learning.

Leveraging online learning platforms for advancing learning content, including a new state-­of-­the-­art world language and cultural studies lab which incorporates approaches using a variety of resources, opening world class learning from anywhere in the world.

Partnerships with universities and businesses to develop apprenticeship learning opportunities for older students.

A deep focus on critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and community service across the curriculum.