Early Elementary students reading to Preschool before rest time!
Can you guess what our theme is this week? The kiddos were so excited to play in the sensory bin! (buried treasure = pirate theme!)

Look out parents! Miss Shelley’s Preschool pirates are coming home with maps to find some treasure!
Pirate Story Time!
After reading our story, “There was an old pirate who swallowed a map”, Miss Lashonta’s class made their own treasure maps! Inspired by our maps, we decided to take a quick hike through the prairie!
What's in YOUR treasure chest?
Pirate week in Preschool was all about using our imagination. Check out what our thoughts were when we closed our eyes and imagined what we found inside our treasure chests!
Sink or float? Which pirate boat will hold the most treasure?
I am a beam of sunlight song practice!
Preschool followed a map through the rock circle, prairie, and garden to find the treasure in the sandbox!
Have a relaxing weekend!
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