This week, we’ll be talking about signs of spring. On Monday, we talked about mud and how it’s a sign of spring. We made mud too with ingredients you can find in the kitchen. Ask your child if they remember what we used(flour, cocoa and water). This went home in backpacks!
A busy Wednesday work time!
Exploring outside!
Looking and listening for birds. Watching, hearing and feeling the wind. Even a worm hunt after reading Wonderful Worms!
Gummy Worms!
We had to guess how many gummy worms were in a container. Avery was the closest with a guess of 31! Everyone got 3 gummy worms to eat! Yum!

Wasp Nest!
Miss. Olivia brought in an old wasp nest. It had been hanging in a tree outside her house all winter. Thank you Miss. Olivia for bring this in for us to explore!

Auggie and Maddox Show and Tell: favorite stuffy!
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