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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Travelers’ Tales! Feb. 7 – Feb. 11


We celebrated Audrey’s 4th birthday on Monday! She also cut out a heart to hang up as a decoration for Valentine’s Day. She then showed me how she repurposed the paper 🙂

We graphed candy hearts and even got to eat one!

Classmates had to pick a heart from a bag and try to figure out who it belongs to!

The Travelers shared their hearts filled with things and people they love!

The hallway is lined with the Travelers‘ fun and creative Valentine boxes!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Name and letter recognition activity by delivering hearts to friends with their names on it, some Valentine’s music, as well as some snacks!

Thank you Audrey, Nora, Nicco, Graham, Eric, Holden, and Sigge for sharing something you love with the class for show and tell!

Happy (early) Valentine's Day!

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