Earl the Squirrel!
This week, we read Earl The Squirrel and decorated some acorns. Ask your child what did Earl have to find?(acorns) How did he get it?(the bull shook the tree) How many did he find and who did he share them with?(2, his mother and friend Jill). What did Jill make him? (Red/scarlet scarf) How did he use the scarf? (Sack to carry his acorns)
Practicing our names on the chalkboard!
Happy 5th birthday Mateo! Thank you for the yummy cupcakes!

Drumming with Miss Sue during Music!

Hickory Dickory Dock!
Hickory, Dickory, Dock! On Thursday, we listened for beginning R sounds. If the classmates heard an R sounding word, they ran their cotton ball mouse up the clock and stopped at the top. If they heard another R word, they ran down the clock!

This Week's Work Time!
We learned a new turkey song and took turns wearing the turkey hat singing “gobble gobble!”
Just about everyday, Luisa and Madison meet at the art table and create pictures with stickers!

Have a relaxing weekend!
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