How Many Pumpkins?!
We tried to guess how many pumpkins were in the container! We had some good guesses of 8, 9 or 10, 11, and I think one guess of twenty twenty two! We counted and found there was 15 and then everyone got to eat one!
Playing in the Fall leaves at recess on Tuesday!
Halloween Books!
It’s the middle of October and it’s time to start reading Halloween books! This week we read Skeleton meets the Mummy by Steve Metzger. I don’t think anyone made a sound for the entire read!

Avery made a picture for Miss Olivia with specific instructions and Madison made a picture for her dad!
Using shakers and learning some apple songs with Miss Sue!

Room on the Broom!
We LOVE Grandparent Visits!
This week, we learned that Avery loves to dance and spin with her “nana Dana”, we met Bumpa and Paula; Linden likes to go to the playground with her bumpa and play on the see saw and rocket ship, Luisa likes to color with her gamma Lora and grows swallow tail and monarch butterflies in her gamma’s garden!
Thank you so much for everyone who came out to share your experiences and love with our classes!
Have a relaxing weekend!
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