On Monday, we celebrated Emmy’s 4th birthday!

Working on our cutting and painting skills!
Can you guess what we made?!
Pumpkin Carving!
On Wednesday, we carved the pumpkin that Ansel brought in from his garden! Second year preschool families might remember our decomposing pumpkin project from last year. This pumpkin has come full circle and we’re staring the process over again!
The Letter P!
The Dreamers in Ms. Shelley and Ms. Kelli’s room got to choose items from the mystery bag that start with the letter P like pumpkin!
Playing the "Jack Jack May I Cross Your Bridge" singing game with Miss Sue!
"Old King Cole Was a Merry Old Soul" with sound shape drums!
Preschool made slime & enjoyed cookies! Happy Halloween!
Congratulations to Cecelia! She lost her first tooth last night!

We love buddy reading!
Halloween Fruit Snacks!
We had leftover Halloween fruit snacks. So, we did Math work counting how many we had, sorting by kind and color and then eating them until we had zero!

Have a relaxing weekend!
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