Notes & Reminders:
- Pickup Times: Morning pickup time is 11:30am. Afternoon pickup time is from 3:00pm – 3:10pm.
- Family Envelopes: Please remember to return them every week with completed forms (if there are any). The family envelopes are those white envelopes that you receive on Wednesdays.
Homemade Apple Sauce!
Preschool made, ate, and judged their own apple sauce! The results? Dylan says it was delicious! This was his 3rd helping and he wouldn’t leave school without it!
Great job Kate! Working on hand-eye coordination!

Look at all the kiddos helping me carry the super heavy bin! They're the best!
A little time to relax outside!
Preschoolers Preschoolin'!
See you all at the Fall Festival!
As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!
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