THANK YOU ALL for your donations for our Ecobricks! Our collecting is now closed. If you are looking for a place to give donations and recycling, check out (Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful). They collect everything from electronics to clothing to crayons and many things in between!
Principal's Interest Group!
Some fun photos of our Principal’s Interest Group. It’s been an exciting week of science experiments!
Graphic Novel Interest Group!
Our Graphic Novel Interest Group received expert advice today from cartoon artist Bruce Quast! They also explored Japanese Manga comics with Ms. Keiko! Finally, they also had a fantastic visit to Rockford’s famous Toad Hall on Tuesday afternoon. Thank you Nick Naruz for showing us around and for the great comic books. Also thanks to Ryan and Sam for driving!
The KAPOW Interest Group (Kids Against Polluting Our World) have been busy this week! They have been sorting and graphing water bottles, making ecobricks, learning how to use a balance scale to check the eco brick weight, sorting paper at KNIB, investigating paper fibers under the microscope, and making paper from recycled scraps!
In this week's edition of "Boys in Trees..."

Parker finishing his Cell Pillow project!

Completed Cell Structure projects show a variety of creative thinking and hard work!
That wraps up another great week in the Recy-COOL Kids' Chronicles!
As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!
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