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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Oct. 28 – Nov. 1

We are collecting some cereal/snack food boxes for a project. Just the boxes… you can eat the food inside them. Let us know if you have any you can send in. Thanks for all that you do!

The beauty of a Spectrum education!

Students were inspired to create their own mnemonic devices to help them remember their multiplication facts and asked if we could change our plan during Kelli’s math group to give them time to practice. Of course! Some students moved around the tables finding problems they knew by by heart narrowing down their practice problems. Others wrote stories to help them remember their multiplication facts. Love watching it all play out!

Student-Created Class Motto & Banner!

We finished the banner for our student-created class motto: “Helping to grow the world into a better place!” This banner came about when we received a package in the mail containing an obnoxious amount of packing material. The Recy-COOL Kids did their thing and turned it into inspirational art that is now hanging on our wall!

Art Class!

The Recy-COOL Kids have been studying line, shape, and color with watercolor painting, using glazing and wet on wet techniques. Preliminary sketches of cacti, apples, cherries, watermelon, pineapples, witches hats and test-tube potions are sharpening our observation and drawing skills!

Another fantastic Halloween Celebration at Spectrum School!

Hello November!

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