Did you know? Your regular spending on groceries, gas, coffee, home improvement, clothing, dining out, and online shopping can earn you credit to help pay tuition or other school-related costs and produce a contribution to help support Spectrum Progressive School. Put simply, your everyday expenses can help you save money!
Scrip can be used to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials. Local and national retailers sell “scrip” to us in the form of gift cards or certificates for products or services. Spectrum Progressive School is able to purchase these at a discounted price determined by each retailer. Our families and friends can purchase these from us at the face value amount. We then SHARE the savings between the full cost and the discounted cost equally with you. Half of the amount of the discount will be placed on your student billing account, and the other half is counted towards the Spectrum Progressive School annual fundraising goal, which supports tuition assistance for students at Spectrum Progressive School. It’s a win-win!
Card value………………..………………………$100.00
5% Discount……………………….……………..$5.00
Credit to student tuition account…………..$2.50
Donation to school……………………..……… $2.50
Everybody wins!!!
Spectrum School carries Scrip for local vendors not found through the RaiseRight app as well, including Woodman’s, Linos, Culvers, and Beef-a-Roo to name a few. All scrip orders for our local vendors will be managed through the Spectrum School main office.
To learn more and request Spectrum Progressive School’s enrollment code to join, contact Marci at [email protected]. If you already have the enrollment code, visit RaiseRight.com/Enroll to sign up and get started.