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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Sock Monkeys’ Memoirs! Apr. 20 – Apr. 24

This past week's schedule review!

Digestive System projects!

Some of our TRULY awesome Digestive System projects!! We were literally blown away by the sharings this morning! Our families ROCK!

Recommended videos from Ms. Keiko!

 A Japanese tourism video and “Japanese Ghibli Food Anime Will Make You Hungry” video!

The Sock Monkeys continue to WOW us with their creativity in Writer's Workshop!

We had so much fun making birds and nests with Miss Pam!

GOING GREEN! Earth Day video for kids: reduce, reuse, recycle!

How the Sock Monkeys take care of the Earth!

  • Recycle cans, cardboard, paper ….
  • Reuse bags, bottles, paper….
  • Pick up garbage outside, throw it away.
  • Plant flowers for bees and butterflies.
  • Plant trees.
  • Reduce use of electricity and water.
  • Make bird feeders.
  • Every day is Earth day!
  • Avoid using plastic.

Thank you parents for your constant support, it means the world to your student AND us teachers!

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