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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Sock Monkeys’ Memoirs! Mar. 23 – Mar. 27

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To our wonderful Sock Monkey parents! Our first week of E learning has definitely been a success. Thank you for learning along with your children and us. We appreciate you assisting your children during our morning “Zoom” meetings and reinforcing assignments. It’s amazing what the children continue to do. We hope to share some of that with you this weekend.

"How many ways can you show 10" work samples!

Here’s an example of a plan your child can do to plan their “home” work/project time!

Japanese orange peel art and a Japanese numbers song, courtesy of Ms. Keiko!

Research Assignment: write down one interesting fact about the nervous system. Include an illustration if you can!

Fun video on the brain!

Xander doing a science experiment to make snow!

Thank you for your flexibility and commitment to your student's education!

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