Families! We’ve had some of you express interest in hosting a Zoom call for students, and want to offer anyone the opportunity to do so! If you would like to host a short Zoom call for an activity/craft/read along with your child’s class, please click here and fill out this form! (after 3pm and weekends are best) We will personally email you to figure out the details.
Review Japanese colors and numbers with UNO and Ms. Keiko!
Mariah shows the Principal her newly invented musical genre: flute humming Kazoo!
Early Elementary Music With Miss Perky and her Turkey!
The Little Engine That Could!
Ms. Judy, our Reading Teacher, reads and shares the Little Engine that Could. She greets many Early students by name!
Humphrey Readaloud with Ms. Jacque!
Stella’s horse pasture diorama!

ASL Shadow Signs!
A fun spin on shadow puppets: ASL shadow signs! I did the alphabet. Watch closely, and sing along with my hands!
Grab a flashlight and find a dark spot or wait until nighttime for this activity.
Here are some things you can try!
-spelling your name
What other ASL shadow signs can you make?
These Vivid Verbs Writers' Workshop assignments really paint a picture in the reader's mind!
Two more weeks until summer break!
As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!
If you haven’t already… click the link below and join the Classroom’s Facebook Group to get updates even quicker!