Families! We’ve had some of you express interest in hosting a Zoom call for students, and want to offer anyone the opportunity to do so! If you would like to host a short Zoom call for an activity/craft/read along with your child’s class, please click here and fill out this form! (after 3pm and weekends are best) We will personally email you to figure out the details.
Recap of this past week!

Monday morning calendar and a read-aloud of Little Owl Lost with Ms. Shelley!
What do YOU wonder about???
Is there anything lately that you have been thinking about? I have been wondering about the moon. Every time I see the moon during the day, I remember that Ben over the summer asked me why you can see the moon during the day? I told him I didn’t know but we would find out…and you know what? I keep forgetting to find out! So I thought maybe you guys can tell us something you are wondering about and then you can learn about it with your parents and then tell us about it? What do you think? I will start by looking up the moon like I told Ben I would. So here are two videos: the first one is a much simpler explanation but the second one is a cartoon so might be more appealing.
Preschool Music With Miss Perky and her Turkey!
ASL shadow signs with Ms. Aly!
A fun spin on shadow puppets = ASL shadow signs! I did the alphabet. Sing along with my hands!
Grab a flashlight and find a dark spot or wait until nighttime for this activity.
Here are some things you can try!
-spelling your name
What other ASL shadow signs can you make?
Tracing shadows with Ms. Tricia!

Two more weeks until summer break!
As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!
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