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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Sprouts’ Accounts! Oct. 7 – Oct. 11

Runaway Pumpkin!

In small groups, we read the “Runaway Pumpkin.” After reading the book, students were paired up and challenged to create a ramp that their pumpkin could roll down, then as an extra challenge they needed to figure out how to catch the pumpkin. Here is a video of how some students did!


Our class made “vegetable soup” where we picked a vegetable, named it, and even had the chance to taste it. We also read “I’m a Seed” in preparation for Angelic Organics on Tuesday. In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to watch a group being trained to climb trees to trim them!


We harvested Kale with Angelic Organics, saved seeds to dry for next year, learned about soil and enriched it, and dug for worms to put on our worm towers. They also had the chance to use the microscopes (which they loved!)


In small groups we read “Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?” and students drew their self portraits. Wednesday afternoon, we played alphabet popcorn, read “creepy carrots” and explored in the sacred circle.


In small groups we made “Leaf Man”, read “Leaf Man” and created patterns with leaves. In the dramatic play area, we started creating a pumpkin patch. In the afternoon, we learned about “Mat Man” and created him then again worked on our self-portraits.

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