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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Upper School Highlights! Apr. 24 – Apr. 28

Future Problem Solving State Bowl!

What an amazing experience for Spectrum’s Future Problem Solvers team! Our team vigorously worked to write and perform an action plan to combat the numerous challenges from our “Throw Away Society”…. Many students took home individual awards along with taking home 4th place overall for our action performances skit amongst a very large crowd of teams at the State Bowl!

Geocaching Interest Group!

We had a great, successful trip to Severson Dells this week! Grids, maps, orienteering, problem solving and treasure hunting were our challenges!

Haunted Rockford Interest Group!

The Haunted Rockford Interest Group toured a couple cemeteries (and did a driving tour of some “haunted” places) and spent our spare time using 3d pens to create pieces for our terrariums!

Survivor Skills Interest Group!

What a week! Know Your Numbers, review of the big three (water, food, protection) via stories and scenarios, water tricks, building a fire, edible plants, roasting yummies, making traps, and ending the day with reflections and boiling forest foraged leaves for blackberry tea.

Tent Setup!

Problem solving, communication, and teamwork is definintely involved in setting up a tent. Now to move it away from the fire, and use lessons from tent design to inform lean-to building.

Gremlins enjoying their morning….getting projects done!

Have a relaxing weekend!

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