There is lots of sickness going around again! Thank you for helping us stay well by keeping your babies home when they aren’t feeling well. Here are some reminders…
- If vomiting or having diarrhea (with or without fever), students must be tolerating solids and vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Fever: students must be fever free WITHOUT a fever reducer for 24 hours before returning.
- Additionally, If your child has a persistent cough, green snot, or excessively runny nose, please keep them home until it clears up.
Thank you for working with us to keep your students and their teachers healthy!
The Three Snow Bears: Live!
One of my favorite activities from Monday. It was much too cold to go outside, so we had quiet reading time. One student asked me to read, “The Three Snow Bears” by Jan Brett. Most of them decided to join in and listen. They took over parts of the book, reciting the parts they knew.
After I finished the book, they decided to “play” the 3 little bears. I asked if they wanted to act out the story and told them I could narrate for them. This led to some amazing collaboration and problem solving! They had to figure out who was going to play which part. Then, they decided to make an igloo and gather all the props they needed. They patiently waited for their turn to play the part they wanted (which means they acted it out 5x playing different parts). They also adapted as needed adding parts to allow for more people to play and played every part!

TWO Guest Appearances!
So far, this week has been very busy (is it really only Tuesday?). Yesterday, singer/song-writer Amy Lowe came to our classroom and together we wrote a song to tell a story about our kindness tree.
Today, Jesse and Katie from Angelic Organics visited us! The kids surprised them with their knowledge of which animals that go, stay, and sleep. We made energy balls and discussed how food supplies your body with warmth and energy.
Some questions for your little learner…
Can you name and animal that sleeps (hibernates)?
What animal tracks did you see on your hike?
Afternoon students might be able to tell you which cereal looks like rabbit poop…
The Moon
Last week, we asked the Wildthings what they know about the moon. I am so excited to get into the phases of the moon this week!

Hope you enjoyed this week's edition of the Wildthings' Adventures!
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